Pulpit Power Podcast

When God is Trying to Steer Us

Pastor Tony Scheving

God puts people or things in our way sometimes to steer us in the right directions and some times that takes baby steps. For example, God allowed many things to happen with Peter and it took baby steps to get him where God wanted him to be. God brings things together in His timing. We need to stop and listen instead of trying to rush things because God is always a step ahead of us. He knows everything before we do because He runs on eternal time and not on our time. God also puts us through tests to see whether we are faithful to Him such as Abraham with Isaac, the disciples in the storm, and so on. We need to allow God time to show us what He wants us to do and trust Him. Trust God with your life because delays never destroy God’s plans. Please join Pastor Scheving as he preaches on “When God is Trying to Steer Us.”