Pulpit Power Podcast

What is God Up To

Pastor Tony Scheving

The Holy Spirit is working through our lives just as it did in Bible times. In Acts 10, a centurion man, named Cornelius, meets Peter. They end up eating together, which is where you start to see Peter’s prejudice against Gentiles start to weaken, because he is beginning to see that Gentiles are just people like they are people. Cornelius even knelt down before Peter because he was humbling himself, but Peter told Cornelius to only glorify God. Just like Peter we need to learn to not be prejudice because in many ways we can be prejudice. But just like Cornelius we need the gospel and to humble ourselves before God. God deserves all our glory in everything we do. When others see or hear that we give God the glory for everything in our lives they might start to question somethings which leaves you an opportunity to give them the gospel. God is always up to something and we just need to listen to Him. Please join Pastor Scheving as he preaches on “What is God Up To?“